This is pretty much a followup to Adam Kirchhoff's bug report.

Adam reported that UT2003 patch level 2186 failed with the latest dri
trunk on his Radeon 8500 and gave the traceback reported by UT2003.
I've noticed that more information is contained within

Using the debs at on
Debian unstable and the latest demo release of UT2003 (v2206 -- which
is purported to not need S3TC extensions), I get the following
traceback reported by UT2003:

phil@trigger /scratch/phil/ut2k3/demo >./ut2003_demo          
Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0".

[ 1]  ./ [0x40a0478a]
[ 2]  /lib/ [0x40d8775a]
[ 3]  /lib/ [0x40bb39d8]
[ 4]  /usr/X11R6/lib/modules-dri-trunk/dri/ [0x43f55bb9]
[ 5]  /usr/X11R6/lib/modules-dri-trunk/dri/ [0x43f3e4f1]
[ 6]  /usr/X11R6/lib/modules-dri-trunk/dri/ [0x43f31fb7]
[ 7]  
[ 8]  ./
[ 9]  
[11]  ./ [0x40360c81]
[12]  ./
[13]  ./
[14]  ./
[15]  ./
[16]  /scratch/phil/ut2k3/demo/System/
[17]  /scratch/phil/ut2k3/demo/System/
[18]  ./ [0x4028c2e1]
[19]  ./ut2003-bin(SDL_SetVideoMode+0x969) [0x8051b1d]
[20]  ./ut2003-bin(main+0x328c) [0x8058b2c]
[21]  /lib/ [0x40ba2a51]
[22]  ./ut2003-bin(GetFullName__C7UObjectPw+0x7d) [0x80512d1]
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]

In ~/.ut2003/System/UT2003.log is the following:

Init: Input system initialized for SDLViewport
Log: Enter SetRes: 800x600 Fullscreen 1
Log: OpenGL
Init: GL_VENDOR     : VA Linux Systems Inc.
Init: GL_RENDERER   : Mesa DRI G400 20021125 AGP 4x x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE
Init: GL_VERSION    : 1.2 Mesa 5.0
Init: Device supports: GL
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_compression
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_multitexture
Init: C32 RGB888 Z24 S8
Init: WARNING: OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support for good performance.
Init: WARNING: no support for combine3/4 extensions -> not all blend modes supported
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Startup time: 3.831979 seconds
Log: Precaching: NvidiaLogo.LevelInfo0
Log: Allocating 32768 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: OpenGL Error: GL_INVALID_ENUM (UOpenGLRenderDevice::Unlock)
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 0.105 seconds
Exit: Exiting.
Log: Waiting for file streaming thread to finish...
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Allocation checking disabled
Uninitialized: Log file closed, Thu Feb 20 20:31:18 2003

So it looks like the segfault is caused by the GL_INVALID_ENUM
error. Could this be down to ut2003 being compiled against an earlier
libGL? By comparison, the Return to Castle Wolfenstein demo works

I'll try twiddling some of the settings in the ut ini file to see if
it makes any difference...


-- .oOo. public key:

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