On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 09:48:42AM -0800, Ian Romanick wrote:
> Sven Luther wrote:
> >Is there not a way to work around this ?
> >
> >If the hardware doesn't support s3tc, then the driver simply don't
> >advertize the that it can handle s3tc textures, so you would get out of
> >the need to decompress the textures in the driver. On the other hand, if
> >it is not possible to tell the app that you don't know how to compress
> >textures, and are asked for it, then you just send the texture
> >uncompressed or something such.
> >
> >Ideally, there would be a way to tell the apps that you can receive and
> >use s3tc compressed textures, but not uncompress them yourself.
> What about apps that send uncompressed textures into the driver, expect 
> the driver to compress then, and then read the textures back?  According 
> to the spec, the textures app will read-back compressed data.  I don't 
> see anyway to work around that.

Mmm, didn't think about this either.

I think the main problem here is that the extension are badly done, or
at least in this case. They could be split in a s3tc using extension,
which would just be able to send s3tc compressed data to a s3tc aware
hardware, and then you would have the more complete s3tc extension,
which can do more.

BTW, what is the use of doing s3tc compression if the graphic card
cannot handle it ? to save memory usage or something such ?

> Being that I'm not a lawyer, I'm not sure that the other work arounds 
> would be legal either.  Given the ambiguities and risk of it all, until 
> we get explicit permission, I don't think any of the distros are likely 
> to distribute ANYTHING with ANY S3TC support enabled.

Sure, but i think there would be no problem in a simple sending to the
graphic card extension. and any claim that this may cause problems with
patents is just plain FUD.


Sven Luther

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