Linus Torvalds wrote:
Ok, this is pretty off-topic, but I'm wondering what the status is for
open-source support of 3D-capable drivers for such studly monitors as the
IBM T221.

Yes, it's still expensive as hell, but it isn't nearly as bad as it was a
few years ago when it was very limited availability, and cost USD $20k+. These days it is "only" $9k or so and apparently is actually available in
the sales channel.

The thing is a 3840x2400 pixel monster, and to drive it at reasonable
frequencies you actually need to support a quad DVI setup where it looks
basically like four monitors running at 1920x1200. And from what I can
gather by googling, the outputs need to be synchronized, so you really
need to have a card like the NVidia Quadro4 XGL or similar (ie you can
apparetly _not_ drive it with multiple separate video cards).

Apparently it also does work with just a single DVI thing (ie reports of
it working with the Radeon 8500 at least on macs), probably at a much
reduced frequency (ie a single DVI link should be able to drive the thing
at something like 10Hz refresh rate - I think the Radeon 8500 supports two
links on its single DVI-I interface, so should get up to 20Hz?).

The binary-only NVidia driver supports it at the full 40Hz frequency, so I
know I can get the thing to work under Linux in case I decide to waste the
money on it (or, preferably, convince my employer to do so ;)

However, I was wondering if anybody knows of somebody using it with proper
opensource drivers.. Or is just otherwise confident for some technical
reason that it should work..

I'd want 3D acceleration to work, but I don't care if it ends up being
limited to smaller areas (ie if the canvas size has to be limited to
2048x1536 or something, who cares?).

Damn, but it's a drool-inducing piece of hardware.

If one doesn't have a single graphics card capable of driving this display, four systems can be used:

With DMX ( you can set up a multi-machine Xinerama desktop.

On top of that, you can use Chromium ( to run 3D apps.

People have driven the T221 in that manner, but I'm not sure how the video signals from the four cards were synchronized.


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