This is probably better asked on dri-devel (cc:ed).

--- Cheshire Cat Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am investigating supporting DRI and OpenGL for the Silicon Motion
> driver.
> I'm new to both of those, so some of these may be newbie sounding
> questions.
> 1) I have the  OpenGL code from the Windows 2000 Silicon Motion
> driver.  Can 
> this code be mostly used "as is"?  Or will the Linux code be entirely
> different?

How did you obtain this code?  If it was not under an agreement with
SMI, then it probably won't be included the DRI for legal reasons.
I've never programmed for windows, but I'd imagine their Direct
rendering API and that of the DRI are pretty different.  Still, the
source would be a good guide for development.  Basically you would want
to create a new driver modeled after an existing DRI driver, then fill
in support for the hw using the windows driver as a reference.  You
also have to make the 2D driver DRI aware.  

> 2) In the DRI Users Guide, section 3.2-Graphics Hardware, Silicon
> Motion is 
> not listed as currently being supported.  Is this still the case? Is
> anyone 
> working on this?  Or am I starting from scratch?

SMI hardware is currently not supported and no one is actively working
on it yet.

> 3) How big of a task am I looking at here? Since I alrady have the
> Win2k OGL 
> code to base my work on, it seems to me it shouldn't be too hard to
> drop 
> that code in and hook it up to DRI.  A few weeks maybe?  Or am I
> missing 
> something fundamental?

It's a pretty big task.  To start off, I recommend reading the DRI FAQ:
This will give you a better understanding of how the DRI works.

Good Luck,


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