How about a mergedfb branch if not the trunk?  I'm pretty good about
keeping things up to date.  I'm not yet an expert with CVS, but it
won't take long ;)


--- Alexander Stohr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you would wonder how other developers could enjoy having
> a look on your updates at the time that they do happen.
> nothing worse than a driver which is based on that design
> but is outdated by weeks or even months relative to the 
> top of the tree of your ongoing development.
> i would suggest having all your works going on in a CVS
> repository, prefereably some development branch like
> the texmem one. as the whole discussion takes place
> here at dri-devel and the major benefits seem to be
> (at least for me) on the dri project's behalf,
> i would vote for basing it at the dri's CVS server system.
> (lets hope that thing is working reliable for the next time.)
> to clarify, i would not mind having such a tree undergoing
> deep changes in a short time - anyone who wants can take
> an older snapshot or do its snapshot himselves. its just
> the point of sharing will improve any sort of growth here.
> of course there can be personal reasons like not beeing
> friend of CVS, having lots of broken code for long times
> or just the fact that a shared code database does need
> some sort of merger with other people's code any now and 
> then. my personal expirience is that a compile any now
> and then plus some people that are testing such a codebase
> for functionality is a sufficient means for good results.
> -Alex.

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