
On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 09:42:33PM -0500, Brendan Burns wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Whilst playing Quake II ( my Rage Pro AGP
> (1x/2x) freezes my XServer (XFree 4.3.0)  I'm using the latest "Bleeding
> Edge" mach64 module, the error message follows.
> Any ideas?

My eyes are already pretty distrained of looking to Mach64 ring dumps,
and I can't make much sense out of it without referring to the specs.
But before I do that please answer some preliminary questions.

After struglling alot with the Mach64 ring code it's my impression that
any eventual problems are hardware related. Which processor and AGP
controller do you have? Which AGP mode setting do you have in your
XF86-Config?  Also see if forcing the AGP mode to be one helps.

If this doesn't help, then letme know and I'll look into that dump you
sent in more detail.


Jose Fonseca

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