On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 16:24 +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Iau, 2005-11-24 at 05:49 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
> > what kind of lock it is or what it's protecting

> It co-ordinates access between the X server and various 3D clients so
> that they don't step on each others drawing. A shared memory area is
> used to co-ordinate other things like clip lists and what context may
> have been stomped by another user if when you retake the lock you were
> not last holder.
> Precisely what it protects is board dependant

OK.  So it's schedulable.

Any debugging advice for a DRI driver (radeon not via) that I suspect is
causing scheduling blips and audio dropouts due to bus greediness or
other rude behavior?  There seem to be a bunch of timeouts where it will
bit bang the hardware in a loop, should I try reducing these?


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