Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
I found the problem I introduced with Page Flipping, I pushed a fix
to CVS, however, I still see a (different) issue. I don't think it
was introduced by my patch but I don't have an old X to test with at
the moment...

When using Page Flipping, I launch glxgears, it's all fine.

Now I move the window around, the content heavily flickers,
alternating between the gears and a black content.

When I "drop" the window (stop moving it), it will either be the
gears running happily ... or the black content. In that later case,
it will stay black until I move the window again and drop it at the
right time to get the gears back.
This works fine here (rv250) with newest radeon ddx cvs. It could be a r300 speicific problem (I think there always were issues with pageflip and r300 chips), or there were some other changes somehwere causing this (the rest of my xorg installation is still 6.9, Mesa is two weeks old, etc.).


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