On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 02:26 +0100, Luca Dionisi wrote:
> I'm having problems with Xorg built from cvs sources very recently.
> I've also built from cvs sources libdrm and the latest kernel (2.6.16)
> with the drm enabled for my card (radeon)
> I don't know for sure, but I think my problem is with the
> video driver (the ati open source driver)
> The syptom is that Xorg start, but sometimes it hangs hup very
> quickly, sometimes when I change VT, sometimes when I
> click the mouse, ... Most of the times my whole machine
> becomes unusable.
> Any help please! I attach the log and the xorg.conf

Looks like the engine is going nuts. Can you try:

 - Disabling AGP fast write
 - Lowering AGP speed
 - Load DRM with option no_wb=1
 - Try latest DRM CVS

And tell me if any of these helps. Also, when you say "very recently"
for your X.org build, when exactly did you get the ati driver from CVS ?
If it was more than 4 days ago, it might be worth updating and trying


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