On Mon, 19 May 2008 02:22:00 -0700
Ian Romanick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is also a bunch of up-and-coming GL functionality that you may not
> be aware of that changes this picture a *LOT*.
> - - GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object allows a portion of a buffer object to be
> used to back a texture.
> - - GL_EXT_bindable_uniform allows a portion of a buffer object to be used
> to back a block of uniforms.
> - - GL_EXT_transform_feedback allows the output of the vertex shader or
> geometry shader to be stored to buffer objects.
> - - Long's Peak has functionality where a buffer object can be mapped
> *without* waiting for all previous GL commands to complete.
> GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range has similar functionality.
> - - Long's Peak has NV_fence-like synchronization objects.
> The usage scenario that ISVs (and that other vendors are going to make
> fast) is one where transform feedback is used to "render" a bunch of
> objects to a single buffer object.  There is a fair amount of overhead
> in changing all the output buffer object bindings, so ISVs don't want to
> be forced to take that performance hit.  If a fence is set after each
> object is sent down the pipe, the app can wait for one object to finish
> rendering, map the buffer object, and operate on the data.
> Similar situations can occur even without transform feedback.  Imagine
> an app that is streaming data into a buffer object.  It streams in one
> object (via MapBuffer), does a draw command, sets a fence, streams in
> the next, etc.  When the buffer is full, it waits on the first fence,
> and starts back at the beginning.  Apparently, a lot of ISVs are wanting
> to do this.  I'm not a big fan of this usage.  It seems that nobody ever
> got fire-and-forget buffer objects (repeated cycle of allocate, fill,
> use, delete) to be fast, so this is what ISVs are wanting instead.
> In other news, app developers *hate* BufferSubData.  They much prefer to
> just map the buffer and write to it or read from it.
> All of this points to mapping buffers to the CPU in, on, and around GPU
> usage being a very common operation.  It's also an operation that app
> developers expect to be fast.

Thanks Ian to stress current and future usage, i was really hopping that
with GL3 buffer object mapping would have vanish but i guess as you said
that the fire-and-forget path never get optimized.

Does in GL3 object must be unmapped before being use ? IIRC this what is
required in current GL 1.x and GL 2.x. If so i think i can still use VRAM
as cache ie i put their object which are barely never mapped (like a
constant texture, or constant vertex table). This avoid me to think to
complexe solution for cleanly handling unmappable vram.

A side question is there any data on tlb flush ? ie how much map/unmap,
from client vma, cycle cost.

In the meantime i think we can promote use of pread/pwrite or BufferSubData
to take advantage of offset & size information in software we do (mesa, EXA,

Ian do you know why dev hate BufferSubData ? Is there any place i can read
about it ? I have been focusing on driver dev and i am little bit out dated
on today typical GL usage, i assumed that hw manufacturer did promote use of
BufferSubData to software dev.

Jerome Glisse

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