
I'm currently trying to figure out why glean/texCube reproducably fails on my 
R420. That test basically has a number of sections that look like this

  loop(..) {
    loop(..) {

The outer loop continuously overwrites the same region of the framebuffer over 
and over again.

In the third iteration of the outer loop in the "TestReflectionMap" section, 
this test reads a stale pixel, i.e. the value returned from glReadPixels is 
the value from the second iteration.

Each of the following changes individually fixes the problem:

1) Do not overwrite the same region of the framebuffer in every iteration; 
instead, use a different framebuffer region for every iteration.

2) Add a sleep(1) before glReadPixels.

3) Add a sleep(1) after glReadPixels.

4) Call wbinvd() in the DRM at the end of radeon_cp_idle() (after the call to 
radeon_do_cp_idle), so that radeon_span.c ends up triggering a wbinvd before 
the actual read takes place.

To me, this looks like glReadPixels reads a stale value from a cache 
somewhere. But which cache, and why? To add to the mystery, Glean has a lot 
of tests that look very similar, and they work just fine (though they might 
have a sufficiently different cache access pattern that might hide the 
symptom). Is there something I'm missing? And finally: What's the proper way 
to fix a problem like this?

I'd appreciate all the help I can get in understanding this problem, since 
I've never dealt with something like it before.


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