Kristian Høgsberg wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 4:01 AM, Thomas Hellström
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Kristian,
>> As we're starting to incorporate dri2 in our code, I've run into some major
>> concerns about the sarea and the event mechanisms:
> Hi Thomas. Sorry for the late reply, I had a long and busy weekend :)
Hi, Kristian!

Hope it was a nice one :)

>> 1) The SAREA is likely to be used by mixed 32-bit / 64 -bit clients and
>> servers. (If I understand things correctly, the kernel never accesses the
>> SAREA). However the sarea structs are safe against this. The layout of the
>> sarea structures should must be identcal, and one should probably use the
>> fixed  size types (uint64_t, uint32_t etc.) and be very careful with
>> alignment.
> Yup, and I believe I've done that, but please let me know if you find
> any struct field in a non-aligned place.  I didn't use uint32_t, but
> (unsigned) int is 32 bit everywhere now.  I don't have a strong
> opinion about this, we can switch to uint32_t if it's a concern.

Hmm, Yes, I jumped into premature conclusions here. Perhaps it's better 
to move over to the
explicitly sized types but since it seems to be correct anyway at this 
point, I think that's a low priority item.

>> 2) The event buffer mechanism doesn't appear to be safe against buffer
>> wraps: Consider the following code from dri_util.c:
>>   /* Check for wraparound. */
>>   if (pcp && psp->dri2.buffer->prealloc - pdp->dri2.tail >
>> psp->dri2.buffer->size) {
>>      /* If prealloc overlaps into what we just parsed, the
>>   * server overwrote it and we have to reset our tail
>>   * pointer. */
>>   DRM_UNLOCK(psp->fd, psp->lock, pcp->hHWContext);
>>   (*psp->dri2.loader->reemitDrawableInfo)(pdp, &pdp->dri2.tail,
>>                       pdp->loaderPrivate);
>>   DRM_LIGHT_LOCK(psp->fd, psp->lock, pcp->hHWContext);
>> }
>> a) First, the if statement should really be a while statement, since we have
>> no guarantee that the X server won't wrap the event buffer after it emits
>> our drawable info, but before we get the lock in DRM_LIGHT_LOCK()
> The SAREA is designed as a lockless data structure, since once we stop
> using the lock, there's never any guarantee that the X server won't
> overwrite the data that we're trying to read.  The assumption here is
> that once the X server reemits the drawable info and hands us back a
> pointer to the head of the buffer, there's enough time for us to
> access the info before a new wrap occurs.  I don't think that's a bad
> assumption, considering that clip rects typically change when windows
> appears, disappears or are moved around, which does limit the
> frequency of the changes.

OK. I was assuming that we'd always need a hardware lock to make sure 
that the latest drawable information was consistent with the X server's 
view of things.

> To be safe, we can add an overflow check *after* parsing the data out
> of the sarea buffer, but before acting on the new data.  That was
> always part of the design, but it's not implemented at this point.
> This check will guarantee consistent behaviour even in the
> post-drm-lock world.

Yes, I think we need that, but to be 100% sure, we probably need to copy 
the relevant sarea data, validate it, and then parse it to make sure we 
don't confuse the parser, should the data have been overwritten.

>> b) This is the most serious concern. If the client using pdp sleeps for a
>> while, and the X server rushs ahead and wraps the event buffer more than one
>> time, the pdp->dri2.tail will be completely stale and cannot even be used
>> for the wrapaound test, since the outcome will be unpredictable. I think
>> what's needed is a single wrap stamp in the sarea, which is bumped by the X
>> server each time it wraps the event buffer. The client can then compare a
>> saved value against this stamp and get a new tail pointer if there's a
>> mismatch. If the stamp is  made 64-bit there's only a microscopic chance
>> that we get a false stamp match due to stamp wraparound.
> The buffer indexes are 32 bit integers but the buffer itself is only
> 32kb.  This means that the upper 17 bits counts the number of
> wraparounds and so even if the X server wraps multiple times before
> the clients detects it.  It can wrap around 128 * 1024 times before we
> get into the situation you describe.  Alternatively, think of the DRI2
> event buffer as a 4gb buffer where we only keep the last 32kb event
> data.
> As such, the wraparound check is correct, and it even handles the case
> where the X server index wraps around the 4G limit while the client is
> still not wrapped.

Still, if this is the case, there are situations where clients are put 
to sleep for a long time and If we're not having a
completely fullproof solution it doesn't suffice to say that it will be 
OK in most cases. We would probably need a mean-time-between-failures in 
the order of a system lifetime. Would it be possible to extend the 
indices to 64-bit to avoid this ever happening?

>> 3) The code in dri_util.c:
>>   if (psp->dri2.enabled) {
>>      __driParseEvents(pcp, pdp);
>>      __driParseEvents(pcp, prp);
>> On the second call to __driParseEvent(pcp, prp), we may release the hardware
>> lock, which may invalidate the pdp info, and have it use stale buffers /
>> cliprects. One remedy to this is to have a function
>> __driParseEventsTwoDrawables(pcp, pdp, prp)
>> That makes sure both drawables are up-to-date after the last DRM_LIGHT_LOCK.
>> And yes, the DRI1 code is incorrect here too.
> Hmm, true.  What we can do there is to put a while loop around the two
> calls to __driParseEvents than loops for as long as the pdp and prp
> tail pointers are different from the sarea head pointer.  If both
> drawable tails are wrapped, this will cause two round trips to reemit
> the data, but that unavoidable. Second time around in the loop, we'll
> just parse the newly emitted data and be good to go.
> That's just the locked case though.  To get the unlocked case working
> there are two ways to go: either 1) add a dri2 protocol request to
> make the X server implement swapbuffers or 2) add a conditional batch
> buffer ioctl to drm.  I like 1) most and I'm planning to implement it
> to see how it works.  There's a lot of benefits to doing this in the X
> server and since we have to post damage events anyway, it's
> essentially free. 1) is a little more tricky and probably not worth it
> - I know Eric frowns whenever I bring this up :)  The idea is to have
> a conditional version of the batch buffer ioctls, that on top of all
> the batch buffer args take a uint32_t value, v, and a uint32_t
> userspace pointer, p.  The drm takes the lock, reads the value *p from
> userspace and if it matches v, submits the batch buffer as usual.  If
> the values doesn't match it returns EAGAIN.  The way we would use this
> from mesa is to pass the drawable tail as v and a pointer to the sarea
> head as p.  There needs to be another similar ioctl that the X server
> can use when it updates the sarea and submits blits to move window
> contents around, that asks the drm to, while holding the lock, write a
> value, v, to a userspace location, p, and submit a batch buffer.
> So, while a lockless, client side swap buffers can be made to work, I
> don't think it's worth it.

OK. Is the desire to get rid of the hardware lock as a drawable info 
mutex based on it being to course-grained?

> cheers,
> Kristian


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