On Don, 2010-03-25 at 03:35 +0000, Dave Airlie wrote: 
> [...] I've merged Jerome's GPU recovery code, as I'd much rather users
> had some of hope of recovering from their GPU locking up than a dead
> box. It seems to work for quite a lot of people that have tested it,
> and it won't make a GPU lockup problem worse.

Actually, I'm not sure that's true in all cases. With Jerome's changes,
a GPU lockup seems to basically turn my PowerBook into a pretty brick
right away. It would be preferable to have non-working local display
(actually, it should be possible to fall back to software for 2D?) but
be able to log in via SSH and do post-mortem analysis and reboot

That said, I don't know if Jerome's changes actually made things any
worse, as I hadn't run into GPU lockups for a while before yesterday
(see my other list post). But the commit logs did mention that the GPU
reset is unlikely to work with the R300 generation... (though I suspect
the fact this isn't x86 may not exactly help)

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