On Fri, 2010-03-26 at 19:56 +0000, Matthew Garrett wrote: 
> As far as the lockups go, I think this is due to memory access during 
> reclock. Nothing should be coming from the cp, but we may be getting 
> accesses from the crtc if we miss vblank (there's a bit in the crtc 
> control that can deal with this), but more importantly we're doing 
> nothing to prevent unaccelerated fallbacks touching vram during reclock. 
> I can provoke lockups more easily using x11perf which probably triggers 
> several of those, so I lean towards that being something we need to fix 
> before looking for other potential issues.

Have you tried making RADEONPrepareAccess_CS() in the X driver always
return FALSE (you may also need to prevent RADEONUploadToScreenCS() from
returning FALSE if the BO isn't busy) to confirm this? That should
prevent any direct CPU access to VRAM, at least as long as you don't hit
any software fallbacks in the 3D driver.

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