How are you today? I Hope you are staying safe,
I am  Mr Aleksandr Kovalenko from Ukraine, and I am an investor and real estate 
developer. I am looking for a possible tie-up with a business or individual in 
your country so that I can do some investments there as my country's economy 
has been ravaged by the Russian invasion which no one knows when it will come 
to an end.
I have Ten Million five Hundred Thousand Dollars.($10,500,000.00) to invest in 
any good business in your country.
My family Wife and Daughter have crossed to Poland for refugee, I am still in 
my country Ukraine as they do not allow men to cross the border, we were asked 
to stay back and defend my country,
I have move the funds to Poland through a help of a Security Company from 
Ukraine, please I will like you to receive this Fund and invest it in a good 
business and thereafter you take my Wife and Daughter out from Poland to your 
country and take good care of them as am in a war zone which I don't know when 
this war will end, most importantly I want you to take good care of my family.
There are no economic activities going on again in Ukraine since the Russian 
invasion started. Looking forward to your sincere reply.
Best Regard,
Mr Aleksandr Kovalenko
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