vbusdeviceinfo.h was only used by vbuschannel.h so merge them

Signed-off-by: David Kershner <david.kersh...@unisys.com>
Reviewed-by: Tim Sell <timothy.s...@unisys.com>
 drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/vbuschannel.h      | 212 ++++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/vbusdeviceinfo.h   | 234 ---------------------
 drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorbus_private.h |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 212 insertions(+), 236 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/vbusdeviceinfo.h

diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/vbuschannel.h 
index 90fa12e..3f7830b 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/vbuschannel.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/vbuschannel.h
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
  *  the client devices and client drivers for the server end to see.
 #include <linux/uuid.h>
-#include "vbusdeviceinfo.h"
 #include "channel.h"
 /* {193b331b-c58f-11da-95a9-00e08161165f} */
@@ -58,6 +57,217 @@ static const uuid_le spar_vbus_channel_protocol_uuid =
 #pragma pack(push, 1)          /* both GCC and VC now allow this pragma */
+ * An array of this struct is present in the channel area for each vbus.
+ * (See vbuschannel.h.)
+ * It is filled in by the client side to provide info about the device
+ * and driver from the client's perspective.
+ */
+struct ultra_vbus_deviceinfo {
+       u8 devtype[16];         /* short string identifying the device type */
+       u8 drvname[16];         /* driver .sys file name */
+       u8 infostrs[96];        /* sequence of tab-delimited id strings: */
+       u8 reserved[128];       /* pad size to 256 bytes */
+ * vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer() - remove non-printable chars from buffer
+ * @p: destination buffer where chars are written to
+ * @remain: number of bytes that can be written starting at #p
+ * @src: pointer to source buffer
+ * @srcmax: number of valid characters at #src
+ *
+ * Reads chars from the buffer at @src for @srcmax bytes, and writes to
+ * the buffer at @p, which is @remain bytes long, ensuring never to
+ * overflow the buffer at @p, using the following rules:
+ * - printable characters are simply copied from the buffer at @src to the
+ *   buffer at @p
+ * - intervening streaks of non-printable characters in the buffer at @src
+ *   are replaced with a single space in the buffer at @p
+ * Note that we pay no attention to '\0'-termination.
+ *
+ * Pass @p == NULL and @remain == 0 for this special behavior -- In this
+ * case, we simply return the number of bytes that WOULD HAVE been written
+ * to a buffer at @p, had it been infinitely big.
+ *
+ * Return: the number of bytes written to @p (or WOULD HAVE been written to
+ *         @p, as described in the previous paragraph)
+ */
+static inline int
+vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer(char *p, int remain, char *src, int srcmax)
+       int chars = 0;
+       int nonprintable_streak = 0;
+       while (srcmax > 0) {
+               if ((*src >= ' ') && (*src < 0x7f)) {
+                       if (nonprintable_streak) {
+                               if (remain > 0) {
+                                       *p = ' ';
+                                       p++;
+                                       remain--;
+                                       chars++;
+                               } else if (!p) {
+                                       chars++;
+                               }
+                               nonprintable_streak = 0;
+                       }
+                       if (remain > 0) {
+                               *p = *src;
+                               p++;
+                               remain--;
+                               chars++;
+                       } else if (!p) {
+                               chars++;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       nonprintable_streak = 1;
+               }
+               src++;
+               srcmax--;
+       }
+       return chars;
+#define VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(ch, p, remain, chars) \
+       do {                                       \
+               if (remain <= 0)                   \
+                       break;                     \
+               *p = ch;                           \
+               p++;  chars++;  remain--;          \
+       } while (0)
+ * vbuschannel_itoa() - convert non-negative int to string
+ * @p: destination string
+ * @remain: max number of bytes that can be written to @p
+ * @num: input int to convert
+ *
+ * Converts the non-negative value at @num to an ascii decimal string
+ * at @p, writing at most @remain bytes.  Note there is NO '\0' termination
+ * written to @p.
+ *
+ * Return: number of bytes written to @p
+ *
+ */
+static inline int
+vbuschannel_itoa(char *p, int remain, int num)
+       int digits = 0;
+       char s[32];
+       int i;
+       if (num == 0) {
+               /* '0' is a special case */
+               if (remain <= 0)
+                       return 0;
+               *p = '0';
+               return 1;
+       }
+       /* form a backwards decimal ascii string in <s> */
+       while (num > 0) {
+               if (digits >= (int)sizeof(s))
+                       return 0;
+               s[digits++] = (num % 10) + '0';
+               num = num / 10;
+       }
+       if (remain < digits) {
+               /* not enough room left at <p> to hold number, so fill with
+                * '?'
+                */
+               for (i = 0; i < remain; i++, p++)
+                       *p = '?';
+               return remain;
+       }
+       /* plug in the decimal ascii string representing the number, by */
+       /* reversing the string we just built in <s> */
+       i = digits;
+       while (i > 0) {
+               i--;
+               *p = s[i];
+               p++;
+       }
+       return digits;
+ * vbuschannel_devinfo_to_string() - format a struct ultra_vbus_deviceinfo
+ *                                   to a printable string
+ * @devinfo: the struct ultra_vbus_deviceinfo to format
+ * @p: destination string area
+ * @remain: size of destination string area in bytes
+ * @devix: the device index to be included in the output data, or -1 if no
+ *         device index is to be included
+ *
+ * Reads @devInfo, and converts its contents to a printable string at @p,
+ * writing at most @remain bytes. Note there is NO '\0' termination
+ * written to @p.
+ *
+ * Return: number of bytes written to @p
+ */
+static inline int
+vbuschannel_devinfo_to_string(struct ultra_vbus_deviceinfo *devinfo,
+                             char *p, int remain, int devix)
+       char *psrc;
+       int nsrc, x, i, pad;
+       int chars = 0;
+       psrc = &devinfo->devtype[0];
+       nsrc = sizeof(devinfo->devtype);
+       if (vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer(NULL, 0, psrc, nsrc) <= 0)
+               return 0;
+       /* emit device index */
+       if (devix >= 0) {
+               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR('[', p, remain, chars);
+               x = vbuschannel_itoa(p, remain, devix);
+               p += x;
+               remain -= x;
+               chars += x;
+               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(']', p, remain, chars);
+       } else {
+               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
+               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
+               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
+       }
+       /* emit device type */
+       x = vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer(p, remain, psrc, nsrc);
+       p += x;
+       remain -= x;
+       chars += x;
+       pad = 15 - x;           /* pad device type to be exactly 15 chars */
+       for (i = 0; i < pad; i++)
+               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
+       VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
+       /* emit driver name */
+       psrc = &devinfo->drvname[0];
+       nsrc = sizeof(devinfo->drvname);
+       x = vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer(p, remain, psrc, nsrc);
+       p += x;
+       remain -= x;
+       chars += x;
+       pad = 15 - x;           /* pad driver name to be exactly 15 chars */
+       for (i = 0; i < pad; i++)
+               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
+       VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
+       /* emit strings */
+       psrc = &devinfo->infostrs[0];
+       nsrc = sizeof(devinfo->infostrs);
+       x = vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer(p, remain, psrc, nsrc);
+       p += x;
+       remain -= x;
+       chars += x;
+       VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR('\n', p, remain, chars);
+       return chars;
 struct spar_vbus_headerinfo {
        u32 struct_bytes;       /* size of this struct in bytes */
        u32 device_info_struct_bytes;   /* sizeof(ULTRA_VBUS_DEVICEINFO) */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/vbusdeviceinfo.h 
deleted file mode 100644
index e6bfed1..0000000
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/vbusdeviceinfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 UNISYS CORPORATION
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
- * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * NON INFRINGEMENT.  See the GNU General Public License for more
- * details.
- */
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#pragma pack(push, 1)          /* both GCC and VC now allow this pragma */
- * An array of this struct is present in the channel area for each vbus.
- * (See vbuschannel.h.)
- * It is filled in by the client side to provide info about the device
- * and driver from the client's perspective.
- */
-struct ultra_vbus_deviceinfo {
-       u8 devtype[16];         /* short string identifying the device type */
-       u8 drvname[16];         /* driver .sys file name */
-       u8 infostrs[96];        /* sequence of tab-delimited id strings: */
-       u8 reserved[128];       /* pad size to 256 bytes */
-#pragma pack(pop)
- * vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer() - remove non-printable chars from buffer
- * @p: destination buffer where chars are written to
- * @remain: number of bytes that can be written starting at #p
- * @src: pointer to source buffer
- * @srcmax: number of valid characters at #src
- *
- * Reads chars from the buffer at @src for @srcmax bytes, and writes to
- * the buffer at @p, which is @remain bytes long, ensuring never to
- * overflow the buffer at @p, using the following rules:
- * - printable characters are simply copied from the buffer at @src to the
- *   buffer at @p
- * - intervening streaks of non-printable characters in the buffer at @src
- *   are replaced with a single space in the buffer at @p
- * Note that we pay no attention to '\0'-termination.
- *
- * Pass @p == NULL and @remain == 0 for this special behavior -- In this
- * case, we simply return the number of bytes that WOULD HAVE been written
- * to a buffer at @p, had it been infinitely big.
- *
- * Return: the number of bytes written to @p (or WOULD HAVE been written to
- *         @p, as described in the previous paragraph)
- */
-static inline int
-vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer(char *p, int remain, char *src, int srcmax)
-       int chars = 0;
-       int nonprintable_streak = 0;
-       while (srcmax > 0) {
-               if ((*src >= ' ') && (*src < 0x7f)) {
-                       if (nonprintable_streak) {
-                               if (remain > 0) {
-                                       *p = ' ';
-                                       p++;
-                                       remain--;
-                                       chars++;
-                               } else if (!p) {
-                                       chars++;
-                               }
-                               nonprintable_streak = 0;
-                       }
-                       if (remain > 0) {
-                               *p = *src;
-                               p++;
-                               remain--;
-                               chars++;
-                       } else if (!p) {
-                               chars++;
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       nonprintable_streak = 1;
-               }
-               src++;
-               srcmax--;
-       }
-       return chars;
-#define VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(ch, p, remain, chars) \
-       do {                                       \
-               if (remain <= 0)                   \
-                       break;                     \
-               *p = ch;                           \
-               p++;  chars++;  remain--;          \
-       } while (0)
- * vbuschannel_itoa() - convert non-negative int to string
- * @p: destination string
- * @remain: max number of bytes that can be written to @p
- * @num: input int to convert
- *
- * Converts the non-negative value at @num to an ascii decimal string
- * at @p, writing at most @remain bytes.  Note there is NO '\0' termination
- * written to @p.
- *
- * Return: number of bytes written to @p
- *
- */
-static inline int
-vbuschannel_itoa(char *p, int remain, int num)
-       int digits = 0;
-       char s[32];
-       int i;
-       if (num == 0) {
-               /* '0' is a special case */
-               if (remain <= 0)
-                       return 0;
-               *p = '0';
-               return 1;
-       }
-       /* form a backwards decimal ascii string in <s> */
-       while (num > 0) {
-               if (digits >= (int)sizeof(s))
-                       return 0;
-               s[digits++] = (num % 10) + '0';
-               num = num / 10;
-       }
-       if (remain < digits) {
-               /* not enough room left at <p> to hold number, so fill with
-                * '?'
-                */
-               for (i = 0; i < remain; i++, p++)
-                       *p = '?';
-               return remain;
-       }
-       /* plug in the decimal ascii string representing the number, by */
-       /* reversing the string we just built in <s> */
-       i = digits;
-       while (i > 0) {
-               i--;
-               *p = s[i];
-               p++;
-       }
-       return digits;
- * vbuschannel_devinfo_to_string() - format a struct ultra_vbus_deviceinfo
- *                                   to a printable string
- * @devinfo: the struct ultra_vbus_deviceinfo to format
- * @p: destination string area
- * @remain: size of destination string area in bytes
- * @devix: the device index to be included in the output data, or -1 if no
- *         device index is to be included
- *
- * Reads @devInfo, and converts its contents to a printable string at @p,
- * writing at most @remain bytes. Note there is NO '\0' termination
- * written to @p.
- *
- * Return: number of bytes written to @p
- */
-static inline int
-vbuschannel_devinfo_to_string(struct ultra_vbus_deviceinfo *devinfo,
-                             char *p, int remain, int devix)
-       char *psrc;
-       int nsrc, x, i, pad;
-       int chars = 0;
-       psrc = &devinfo->devtype[0];
-       nsrc = sizeof(devinfo->devtype);
-       if (vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer(NULL, 0, psrc, nsrc) <= 0)
-               return 0;
-       /* emit device index */
-       if (devix >= 0) {
-               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR('[', p, remain, chars);
-               x = vbuschannel_itoa(p, remain, devix);
-               p += x;
-               remain -= x;
-               chars += x;
-               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(']', p, remain, chars);
-       } else {
-               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
-               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
-               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
-       }
-       /* emit device type */
-       x = vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer(p, remain, psrc, nsrc);
-       p += x;
-       remain -= x;
-       chars += x;
-       pad = 15 - x;           /* pad device type to be exactly 15 chars */
-       for (i = 0; i < pad; i++)
-               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
-       VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
-       /* emit driver name */
-       psrc = &devinfo->drvname[0];
-       nsrc = sizeof(devinfo->drvname);
-       x = vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer(p, remain, psrc, nsrc);
-       p += x;
-       remain -= x;
-       chars += x;
-       pad = 15 - x;           /* pad driver name to be exactly 15 chars */
-       for (i = 0; i < pad; i++)
-               VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
-       VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR(' ', p, remain, chars);
-       /* emit strings */
-       psrc = &devinfo->infostrs[0];
-       nsrc = sizeof(devinfo->infostrs);
-       x = vbuschannel_sanitize_buffer(p, remain, psrc, nsrc);
-       p += x;
-       remain -= x;
-       chars += x;
-       VBUSCHANNEL_ADDACHAR('\n', p, remain, chars);
-       return chars;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorbus_private.h 
index b10fc1a..2f4e1e6 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorbus_private.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorbus_private.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include <linux/uuid.h>
 #include "controlvmchannel.h"
-#include "vbusdeviceinfo.h"
+#include "vbuschannel.h"
 /* TARGET_HOSTNAME specified as -DTARGET_HOSTNAME=\"thename\" on the
  * command line

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