>   We wanted that the user will be able to define his owns rules, the facts
> will be represented in rdf (this will be our model, but is easy to
> transform to ruleml). Our main problem is the velocity, we need a very fast
> rule engine, so we will try with different engines, maybe we will develop
> our own engine, we still don't know it.

I haven't benchmarked drools at all against JEOPS, Jess or JRules.

I imagine that possibly drools will be slow in comparison, due to
the run-time interpreted nature of the condition matching and action

Quick straw poll:

        What's the most important factor to each of you?

        a) Speed of matches (ie, how long does assertObject(...)
        block, when the asserted object does and does not create
        a rule match).

        b) Ease of use.

        c) Run-time extensibility.

        d) Other? (Please specify)

Note that possibly many times, an assertObject(...) call will simply
drop an object in, but not actually create a match.  Sometimes it will,
and then the Action portion of the match will take the most time.

Since we use Rete (actually, Rete-OO), we are following the efficient
algorithm for matching, and avoid execution redundant predicates

Anyhow, folks?  Which do you consider the most important?


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