Hi guys

I am new to the Rules-engine world and am now faced with developing a system
will allow "several companies" (our target 100+ companies in the
Courier-business) to set up "several different products each" basically
selling their services via us(Supply & demand scenario). We would like to
allow the companies to configure their products themselves. This involves
setting up Variables, Rates, Additional services, Surcharges, the Areas they
servic etc. which at the moment I have modelled into a relational-database

After the user enters his/her request for service a product goes through
several phases to determine whether it matches the client's request and to
calculate the rate

Using straight SQL to do all this is very ineffecient and I am sure this
will be very slow when we finally go into production
because if we support 100 companies and each of them have approx. 5
different products.....well that is 500 different scenarios that we will
then have to evaluate against.

So my choices are to build my own framework and attempt to run this whole
thing from memory(No accessing any external repository) OR look at what
engines like Drools or Jess can do for me.

Since I am absolutely new to Rules-engine I would like to pose some
questions which are bugging me.
1. Will a Rules-engine(Drools) be the right choice for such a project?
2. Since there can be potentially 500+ products (with all of them having
different Variables, Rates etc.), will there then be   500+ different
RuleSets? What kind of impact will this have on memory requirements?
3. Do the conditions in the Drools XML-RuleSets allow OR conditions? I seem
to miss any use of Operands (AND, OR, NOT) in the conditions.

I would really appreciate any pointers in this regard.

PS. reading material, examples, previous experience would be helpfull


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