On Thu, Aug 17, 2006 at 04:10:59AM -0700, Haseeb Abdul Qadir wrote:
> Hi,
> When using dropbear for port forwarding only (no command shell, no pty) the
> sever sometimes unexpectedly exits with:
> [21929] Aug 17 06:29:01 exit after auth (haseebq): received data with bad
> writefd
> Its not a 100% repro but I have seen it happen a few times. Any idea how I'd
> diagnose this?

I suspect that this is a bug in the channel-close code. I
think what's probably happening is that queued packets from
the remote end keep getting processed after the forwarding
socket has been closed.  I'll try and track down exactly
what's going on - as a workaround replacing the 
"received data with bad writefd" line in common-channel.c
with just 'return;' should work. 


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