On Thursday 06 November 2008 07:44:18 Matt Johnston wrote:
> I'm not sure about improving the initial connection time -
> using small DSS hostkeys will probably be the best
> approach, though you've probably already tried that.
> There were a few internet-drafts about elliptic curve
> Diffie-Hellman for SSH, though I haven't looked at those
> much. Of course if security isn't any issue then perhaps a
> 'none' key-exchange method could be invented too ;)

Also make sure you've disabled the reverse dns lookups for the log entries; 
those generally add _horrible_ latency to connections, and logging the IP 
address is all you actually _need_.

Back in 2001, on a 200 mhz pentium III, I was getting 3.2 connections/second, 
and around 300k/second throughput.  (That wasn't with dropbear, but that was 
a performance ballpark for comparison.)

If your microblaze really is taking 12 seconds to connect, you should profile 
this and see what's going on.  Is the CPU really busy the whole time?


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