
7 seconds seems slow. Where said that it's a common problem?
I get around 1 second to SSH to a raspberry pi (700mhz "ARMv6").
Was it built with the same compiler and compile options?
Leaving optimisation off could make that difference.

I can't see how it wouldn't ask for a password unless
there's -g or -s on the commandline. Does "ssh -v" show just
"Authentications that can continue: publickey", not
"publickey,password" ?


On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 12:10:51PM +0100, dbext...@gmx.de wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm using dropbear on an embedded System with uCLinux. It works great. And 
> first I want to thank all of you for the work you put in it.
> After reading about the security fix I updated the dropbear from a (very 
> stable and fast) 0.52 to the new 2012.55.
> After the update two things changed. The login time increased a lot. From 
> next to nothing to about 7s (on a 600MHz CPU). I read that this is a common 
> problem, and that my 7s are still quite good. I'm just surprised about he 
> increase. 
> Secondly the dropbear does not allow password login anymore (the server only 
> gives back "pubkey" as available option). The according defines in the 
> options.h are still active though. And the dropbear is started without -s. 
> I'm out of ideas what to try to enable it again. When I just replace the 
> dropbear executable with the 0.52 version it works again.
> Any thoughts and advide is highly appreciated. Tank you in advance.
> Grüße
> Sebastian

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