A brief comment below

On 5/12/2011 8:55 AM, Mark H. Wood wrote:
> I think I hear a disagreement about who the installation docs are for.
> Are they for new users, and people who need more control are on their
> own?  Or are they for people looking to fit DSpace more neatly into
> their operation, while new users are protected by a wizard from having
> to know so much?
> Maybe we need two:  Installation Guide (just gets you a working
> DSpace) and Installation Reference (with all the knobs exposed and
> thoroughly discussed).

I like what Mark W has done below with a "form" to prepare you for 
installation.  We should mock this up somewhere on the Wiki and make it 
a part of our official docs.

I also agree with what others have said around figuring out who our 
install docs are written for. I like Mark W's suggestion of possibly 
creating two main ones -- ideally with two different audiences: (1) a 
Novice User (never touched DSpace before, so more step by step) and (2) 
a System Admin Reference (as Mark says with all "knobs" exposed & discussed.

> Or we need to discuss the choices (and some useful defaults) up
> front:
>    You will need to know the following before you start:
>    o  What DBMS you have, or intend to install.  PostgreSQL and Oracle
>       are supported.
>       DBMS:           ____________________
>    o  What you want to name the database that DSpace will use.  If you
>       don't care, use 'dspace'.
>       database:       ____________________
>    o  What DBMS user/role will own the DSpace database.  If you don't
>       care, use 'dspace'.  You'll also need the password for this.
>       DBMS user:      ____________________
>       DBMS password:  ____________________
>    o  What Servlet container you have, or intend to install.  Apache
>       Tomcat and [X] and [Y] are supported.
>       container:      ____________________
>    o  What user account will run the servlet container.  DSpace files
>       must be owned by this user.  If you use your OS' package manager
>       then it will choose the account and you need to find out what it
>       chose.  If you are installing the container by hand, use anything
>       you want, such as 'dspace'.
>       OS user:        ____________________
>    o  Where you want to install the working instance of DSpace.  [X] and
>       [Y] are typical.
>       DSpace Home:    ____________________
>    Have you gathered those data?  Let's begin.
> This is just a sketch, not a finished work.  I'm sure I left something
> out.  It looks like a lot.  But you have a lot of freedom and that
> requires some decisions.  Notice that a known usable answer is given
> for every one of them.  Fill in the blanks and you have your cheat
> sheet ready when you get to steps that want local information.

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