Sorry to bump an old thread.

XMLUI and JSPUI are quite solid and both provide a complete package as a
repository interface, they don't maintain parity and don't have to, but
there are interested parties that make the needed investments in each, that
I don't see either dissolving in the short term.

DSpace today presents a lot of work to build yet-another-user-interface. I
think that with the current REST-API this has changed for the frontend
end-user browsing experience. There are a few experiments of client apps to
the API, and this is where the future of DSpace becomes a bit more
interesting. If 99% percent of your traffic is the anonymous end-user, then
why not build an application well suited for delivering an experience that
delights visitors, and helps expose your content. (API provides read access
to public communities, collections, items, and bitstreams)

Ruby on Rails client app:

Java Play! client app:

For the remaining 1% of users, your administrators, editors, submitters, I
haven't yet begun work on functionality in the REST-API to support any of
their needs, so my first thought would be to leverage one of the existing
user interfaces, and just hand the user back to (jsp|xml)ui for the
advanced features.

This route certainly seems a bit too cutting edge for a casual repository,
but once more groundwork has been laid in the API, building a complete UI
might not be such a chore.

Long response to your question, but I would say there are contributors to
both xmlui and jspui, that I see both ui's sticking around for the next few
releases. Even once REST-API of the future emerges, jspui and xmlui could
be refactored to use/send all data through the rest API.
On Oct 9, 2013 5:36 PM, "helix84" <> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Claudia Juergen
> <> wrote:
> > Meanwhile the community has grown and both UI's are used and developed
> not
> > in sync but on a more or less equal level.
> >
> > So, apart from completely new developments, can one assume, that for the
> > next couple of releases both UI's will be supported?
> Hi Claudia,
> it definitely seems so. There are both users and commiters who use
> both JSPUI and XMLUI and at any point in time, one or the other is
> in ahead development in some respects, but overall, both progress
> steadily.
> I'm confident this will continue to be so for the next few years and
> when someone starting with DSpace asks which one is better, I
> recommend them to
> 1) choose based on features currently available, if there are some
> UI-specific ones they need
> 2) if they're going to do more than basic customization, go with the
> technology they're most familiar with (JSP vs. XSLT).
> In the future, with Solr and REST API, I foresee that this landscape
> will become even more diverse with other UIs (maybe task-specific
> ones, not necessarily full-featured) popping up, written in other
> popular languages/platforms.
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
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