On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 02:52:45PM +0000, Tyler Danstrom wrote:
> To whom it may concern,
> I hope this is the right mailing list to post this question to.

I think it's a question for dspace-tech.  Developers hang out there,
and so do a number of others who may have seen (and solved!) similar

> We have recently installed DSpace 5 xmlui on a Redhat 6.6 Server, and are 
> experiencing persisent 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable errors from DSpace.
> While contact a url outside of DSpace returns fine, contacting the url /xmlui 
> will work immediately after a tomcat7 restart but after some time passes (I 
> have witnessed it after an hour passed between tomcat7 restarts) it will 
> revert to the 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable errors.

Does Tomcat sit behind another web server such as Apache HTTPD?  In a
quick test, I was unable to get a 503 from Tomcat, but I've seen that
from HTTPD when Tomcat was down.  If you do front-end Tomcat with
something else, then the connection between them is the place I would
look first.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

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