Hi all,

The meeting notes from this initial UI Working Group meeting are now posted at:


The next UI Working Group meeting is scheduled for *Tues, August 25 at 15:00UTC (11:00am EDT).* Anyone is welcome to attend.

We still welcome new members to this UI Working Group. If you are interested in helping immediately with one of the deliverables, get in touch with a member of one of the sub groups (see meeting notes). Or, just show up at our next meeting.


Tim Donohue

On 8/3/2015 3:15 PM, Tim Donohue wrote:
Hello all,

Based on the recently approved Roadmap [1], we are about to kick off a new working group to oversee the DSpace User Interface (UI) replacement project. We are extending an invitation to any interested community members to join this working group or take part in UI pilots.

The working group will be of limited duration. Its mission is not to develop the replacement UI, but rather to manage the process of reviewing the alternatives, comparing brief pilot demonstrations, and establishing the selection process of an architecture and technology for the new UI. The work of developing the pilot UI demonstrations will be done by volunteers, and a call for pilot project teams will be made in the coming weeks. Members of the working group may choose to join one of the pilot teams, but that is not required.

The draft of the working group charter is available for you to review here:

The first meeting of this UI Working Group will take place on Monday, August 10th at 15:00 UTC (11:00am EDT). Connection information is below.

Dial in via toll-free landline:

  * /U.S.A/Canada toll free/: 866-740-1260, participant code: 2257295
  * /International toll free/: http://www.readytalk.com/intl
      o Use the above link and input 2257295 and the country you are
        calling from to   get your  country's toll-free dial-in number
      o Once on the call, enter participant code 2257295

If you are interested in joining this Working Group, or taking part in one of the pilots, please consider attending this session. Notes from the session will be made available off the working group charter (linked above).


Tim Donohue

[1] DSpace RoadMap: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/RoadMap
Tim Donohue
Technical Lead for DSpace & DSpaceDirect
DuraSpace.org | DSpace.org | DSpaceDirect.org

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