Hi Developers,

As an FYI, in case anyone is still utilizing it, the DSpace LNI module 
(Lightweight Networking Interface) will be refactored out of the 
upcoming DSpace 6.0 release.

If you are unfamiliar with LNI, it's an older, WebDAV based interface 
for DSpace.  While it has been in the codebase for some time, it hasn't 
received as much attention these days. (In more recent releases of 
DSpace, we recommend using the REST API or SWORD instead of LNI.)


As part of the upcoming DSpace 6.0 API refactor (for the Services-based 
API), we are taking this opportunity to remove LNI from out-of-the-box 
DSpace.  This has been the plan for some time, but we are finally now 
getting to it.  Here's the ticket that describes what will happen:


If you or your institution is still using LNI, we will still be making 
the code available via a separate GitHub Project (DSpace/dspace-lni).  
However, at this time, we have no plans to update LNI to work with the 
refactored DSpace 6.0 API (so it will only continue to work for DSpace 
5.x or below).  If you depend on LNI and want to see it still work 
against DSpace 6.0, please get in touch, and perhaps we can give you or 
your institution direct commit rights on the new LNI GitHub Project.

As always, let us know if you have any questions by posting to this 
thread on the list.

- Tim

Tim Donohue
Technical Lead for DSpace & DSpaceDirect
DuraSpace.org | DSpace.org | DSpaceDirect.org

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