We have inherited a DSpace instance with a corrupt Solr index. We have 
rebuilt the Solr Search and OAI. How is the Solr statistics rebuilt?

I notice there are a number of tools,

 - solr-export-statistics: Export usage statistics data from Solr for 
back-up purposes
 - solr-import-statistics: Import usage statistics data (as previously 
exported using solr-export-statistics) into Solr
 - solr-reindex-statistics: Reindex the Solr-based usage statistics, for 
example after an upgrade that changes the schema
 - stat-general: Compile the general statistics
 - stat-initial: Compile the initial statistics
 - stat-monthly: Compile the monthly statistics
 - stat-report-general: Create the general statistics report
 - stat-report-initial: Create the initial statistics report
 - stat-report-monthly: Create the monthly statistics report
 - stats-log-converter: Convert dspace.log files ready for import into solr 
 - stats-log-importer: Import previously converted log files into solr 
 - stats-log-importer-elasticsearch: Import solr-format converted log files 
into Elastic Search statistics

but none of them appear to work in regards to rebuilding the statistics. 
There are no exports I am aware of.

Where in the db are the source statistics stored?



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