Thanks Mark, this is quite helpful...i will go on and study tutorials on 
JSP1 and see how i can be able to fully customize dspace.

On Wednesday, 14 August 2019 05:54:06 UTC-7, Mark H. Wood wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 04:51:19AM -0700, Turbo wrote: 
> > I am working with an organisation that have decided to use dspace 6 as a 
> > repository system,and i have been assigned a responsibility to manage 
> the 
> > repository and part of the requirement requires me to do a lot of code 
> > manipulations especially at the backend, I am a full stack web developer 
> > experienced in using laravel and vuejs and so far looking at the dspace 
> > code looks complicated to me despite checking the dpace documentation. I 
> > understand dspace is built with Jsp and Servlets, so i am thinking of 
> > taking a course on it online if that will guarantee my understanding of 
> the 
> > whole dspace code base. I don't know if there is any of such courses you 
> > will recommend or  anything other resource or means that will help me to 
> > fully understand and be able to reverse engineer Dspace6. Thanks 
> Welcome to the community! 
> DSpace 6 has *two* complete web UIs: one based on JSP, and the other 
> on Cocoon 2.  You can choose whichever is more suited to your 
> organization's needs, including compatibility with your prior 
> experience.  Their feature sets are quite similar (though not 100% 
> identical). 
> The JSPUI is probably more conventional.  It's JSP 1 with a sizable 
> amount of scriptlet code mixed into the templates.  You should be able 
> to find books and training on JSP easily.  There is a bit of advice on 
> customization, but JSPUI is fairly straightforward: 
> The XMLUI has quite a lot of DSpace-specific structure built on top of 
> Cocoon.  It would be a good idea to read: 
> You will see "Manakin", the original project name for this UI, used as 
> an alternate name for XMLUI in the documentation.  For a quick 
> overview of XMLUI: 
> o  The Java code uses a toolkit called WING to build an XML document 
>    in a dialect called DRI.  It's organized into "aspects" which each 
>    get a chance to add elements to the developing page.  The Cocoon 
>    sitemap orchestrates this process -- the aspect code embodies 
>    Cocoon generators, readers, and transformers.  There is formal 
>    documentation of DRI, and from that and source comments you can 
>    infer quite a lot about how to use WING.  The DRI documentation is 
>    rather vague about things like styling, because that is not done at 
>    this stage. 
> o  The DRI document is sent through a set of XSL transforms, again 
>    orchestrated by Cocoon, to produce the final XHTML which is 
>    returned to the browser.  The transforms are organized into 
>    "themes".  You can configure a single theme throughout the site, or 
>    select different themes for different parts.  I'm sorry to say that 
>    there is very little documentation on how any given theme 
>    interprets DRI -- I always have to rummage through the XSL until I 
>    find what I want.  Despite this I prefer XMLUI to JSPUI, although a 
>    thorough rewrite to JSP 2 might have changed my mind. 
> Alas, Cocoon documentation is rather sparse.  There are several good 
> books on Cocoon 2.0/2.1. 
> You should also be aware that DSpace 7 is in heavy development and 
> expected in the not-too-distant future.  Its single GUI is a complete 
> rewrite built around AngularJS and a new, more comprehensive REST API. 
> The code is all available now if you want to see it or work with it, 
> but it is NOT yet feature-complete. 
> -- 
> Mark H. Wood 
> Lead Technology Analyst 
> University Library 
> Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis 
> 755 W. Michigan Street 
> Indianapolis, IN 46202 
> 317-274-0749 

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