Hi Rakhi,

You can check DSpace-CRIS which is based on JSPUI. DSpace-CRIS have already 
integrated the Scopus citation counts.

Hope this helps.

On Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 6:59:50 PM UTC+8, Rakhi Batra - Assistant 
Manager Publication wrote:
> Hey euler, can you guide how to add such functionality in jspui? 
> On Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 9:20:31 PM UTC+5, euler wrote:
>> Hello Solomon,
>> I'm sorry if I can't pinpoint what's causing that error but here's what I 
>> did in our repository. In your item-view.xsl, locate this line of code:
>>     <xsl:template name="itemSummaryView-DIM">
>>         <!-- Generate the info about the item from the metadata section 
>> -->
>>         <xsl:apply-templates 
>> select="./mets:dmdSec/mets:mdWrap[@OTHERMDTYPE='DIM']/mets:xmlData/dim:dim"
>>         mode="itemSummaryView-DIM"/>
>> After that piece of code, copy paste these javascript code:
>>         <script type="text/javascript">
>>             <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
>>             document.write('&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="
>> http://api.elsevier.com/javascript/scopussearch.jsp"&gt; &lt;/' + 
>> 'script&gt;');
>>             callbackCitedbycount = function(){
>>                 if (sciverse.areSearchResultsValid()) {
>>                     var resultObj = sciverse.getSearchResults();
>>                     if (resultObj.returnedResults &gt;0) {
>>                         citedbycount = resultObj.results[0].citedbycount;
>>                         eid = resultObj.results[0].eid;
>>                         if (citedbycount &gt; 0) {
>>                             citeHtml = '&lt;span 
>> class="bold"&gt;Cited:&lt;/span&gt; ';
>>                             if (eid != null) {
>>                                 citeHtml += '&lt;a href="
>> http://www.scopus.com/scopus/search/submit/citedby.url?src=s&amp;origin=recordpage&amp;eid=
>> ';
>>                                 citeHtml += eid;
>>                                 citeHtml += '" class="citing-link" 
>> target="_new" title="View citing articles in Scopus"&gt;';
>>                                 citeHtml += citedbycount;
>>                                 citeHtml += '&lt;/a&gt;&#160;times in 
>> &lt;span class="bold"&gt;Scopus&lt;/span&gt;';
>>                             }
>>                             articleLink = resultObj.results[0].inwardurl;
>>                             if (articleLink != null) {
>>                                 citeHtml += 
>> '&#160;&#160;&lt;small&gt;(&lt;a href="';
>>                                 citeHtml += articleLink;
>>                                 citeHtml += '" class="article-link" 
>> target="_new" title="View record in Scopus" &gt;';
>>                                 citeHtml += 'View record in Scopus';
>>                                 citeHtml += '&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;/small&gt;';
>>                             }
>>                 </xsl:text>
>>                             var citecountsScopus = 
>> $("#citecounts-scopus");
>>                             citecountsScopus.html(citeHtml);
>>                             citecountsScopus.removeClass('hidden');
>>                             citecountsScopus.show('blind');
>>                             $("#citecounts-scopus 
>> a.citing-link").click(function(){
>>                                 if (_gaq != null) {
>>                                     _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Citecount 
>> links','Scopus citing items','<xsl:value-of 
>> select="./mets:dmdSec/mets:mdWrap[@OTHERMDTYPE='DIM']/mets:xmlData/dim:dim/dim:field[@element='identifier'
>> and @qualifier='uri']"/>']);
>>                                 }
>>                             });
>>                             $("#citecounts-scopus 
>> a.article-link").click(function(){
>>                                 if (_gaq) {
>>                                     _gaq.push(['_trackEvent','Citecount 
>> links','Scopus article','<xsl:value-of 
>> select="./mets:dmdSec/mets:mdWrap[@OTHERMDTYPE='DIM']/mets:xmlData/dim:dim/dim:field[@element='identifier'
>> and @qualifier='uri']"/>']);
>>                                 }
>>                             });
>>                         }
>>                     }
>>                 }
>>             }
>>         runSearch = function() {
>>         //setting defaults
>>         sciverse.setApiKey("*REPLACE-THIS-WITH-YOUR-SCOPUS-API-KEY*");
>>         sciverse.setCallback(callbackCitedbycount);
>>         //setting search query
>>         <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">var strQuery = 
>> "DOI(</xsl:text><xsl:value-of 
>> select="./mets:dmdSec/mets:mdWrap[@OTHERMDTYPE='DIM']/mets:xmlData/dim:dim/dim:field[@element='identifier'
>> and @qualifier='doi']"/><xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">)";
>>         var varSearchObj = new searchObj();
>>         varSearchObj.setSearch(strQuery);
>>         varSearchObj.setNumResults('1');
>>         //launching search
>>         try {
>>         sciverse.runSearch(varSearchObj);
>>         } catch(err) { }
>>         };
>>         runAfterJSImports.add(runSearch);
>>             </xsl:text>
>>     </script>
>> And then paste the code in *bold* where you want the scopus citation 
>> count to appear. In our case, I put it under the citation field (I assumed 
>> that you already knew how to customize what fields to display in simple 
>> item view):
>>             <!-- Citation row -->
>>             <xsl:when test="$clause = 9 and 
>> (dim:field[@element='identifier' and @qualifier='citation' and 
>> descendant::text()])">
>>                 *<div id="citecounts-scopus" 
>> class="simple-item-view-other citecounts hidden">&#160;</div>*
>> Hoped this helps,
>> P.S. Please take note that I have created a custom tag, dc.identifier.doi 
>> that holds the value for the item's DOI (without the http://dx.doi.org/). 
>> Feel free to 'view page source' items in our repository that have DOIs for 
>> example: http://repository.seafdec.org.ph/handle/10862/1737 for your 
>> reference.
>> Regards,
>> Elvi
>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Solomon Kapfunde <skap...@uwc.ac.za> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Elvi
>>> This is out of the discussion forum, I have copied the code as you say 
>>> in the link but I can't get it to run as it give me errors on all hyerplink 
>>> tags in the script as stated in the error below.
>>> When I add the code in item-view.xml, mirage theme, xmlui i get an error 
>>> 'javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: a is not allowed in this 
>>> position in the stylesheet!
>>> Can you help?
>>> Regards
>>> Solomon
>>> >>> "Nemiz, Elvi" <esn...@seafdec.org.ph> 2014/02/12 03:48 PM >>>
>>> Hello Solomon, 
>>> Perhaps this thread might help you. 
>>> http://dspace.2283337.n4.nabble.com/Scopus-Integration-Cited-By-Count-API-td4667632.html
>>> .
>>> Regards,
>>> Elvi

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