Dear all

The short question is:

Can I somehow delete the doi-organiser list?

The long version is:

At some point our DSpace repository stopped assigning DOIs from datacite 
automatically. We don't know exactly when. We upgraded our repository to DSpace 
6.3, and it might have been then.

I found out that somehow the URLs had not been registered correctly with 
DataCite. I then found out that I could register them directly with this command

curl -H "Content-Type:text/plain;charset=UTF-8" -X PUT --user $USER:$PASSWD -d 
'doi=$DOI\nurl=$HANDLE<$>')"$DOI<$> -i
Using doi-organiser -list I could get the handles and DOIs, and update them on 

I then used metadata-export to export the metadata as a csv file and I then 
added the DOIs to the scv file and imported the new metadata using 

I don't want to do this for all new items. I would really like for DSpace to do 
this automatically from now on. I think clearing the doi-organiser list could 
reset the doi status inside DSpace, so that is my question. Can I do this? Or 
is there perhaps another way to get DSpace to assign DOIs from DataCite 
automatically again?

Kind regards


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