We're experiencing some problems with the export citation metadata
functionality in DSpace-CRIS 5.

[image: Selection_022.png]
If I choose:
Refman, the resulting file is: references-refman.ris
Endnote: *references-endnote* (no extension)
Bibtex: references-bibtex.bib
Excel: *export.xls-excel*
CSV: *export.csv-csv*
PDF: export-pdf.pdf

Refman, Bibtex and PDF will all open correctly in Windows, but the others
have an incorrect or missing file extension.

What can I do to ensure that the files get the correct file extensions?

Also, I understand that it is necessary for people to log in for the 'send
to email' function to work, but is there any way to display the export
functionality without the 'send to email' for anonymous users?

DSpace version:  CRIS-5.10.0-SNAPSHOT
  SCM revision:  8390fec2945050541427ef1249dbbbd56b1ccdc4
    SCM branch:  fix-sword
            OS:  Linux(amd64) version 4.4.0-176-generic
     Discovery:  enabled.
           JRE:  Private Build version 1.8.0_252
   Ant version:  Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.6 compiled on July 20 2018
 Maven version:  3.3.9

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