Then again, I  believe I made an error in dspace-ui.json, because I had 
trouble stopping and starting pm2 after I posted the previous message. When 
I would issue sudo pm2 stop dspace-ui.json, it would show me dspace-ui 
status as "stopped" and I couldn't access the frontend in the browser.  
However, I couldn't start pm2 again, seeing the following error as part of 
pm2 logs:

0|dspace-u |   code: 'EADDRINUSE',
0|dspace-u |   errno: -98,
0|dspace-u |   syscall: 'listen',
0|dspace-u |   address: '',
0|dspace-u |   port: 4000

and when I ran sudo lsof -i tcp:4000, I would see dozens of processes, 
looking like this:

node\x20/ 520790 root 19u IPv4 3040271 0t0 TCP 
localhost:4000->localhost:44452 (ESTABLISHED)
node\x20/ 520790 root 20u IPv4 3040252 0t0 TCP localhost:4000 (LISTEN)
node\x20/ 520790 root 19u IPv4 3040274 0t0 TCP 
localhost:44454->localhost:4000 (ESTABLISHED)
node\x20/ 520790 root 19u IPv4 3040275 0t0 TCP 
localhost:4000->localhost:44454 (ESTABLISHED)
node\x20/ 520790 root 19u IPv4 3040278 0t0 TCP 
localhost:44456->localhost:4000 (ESTABLISHED)
node\x20/ 520790 root 19u IPv4 3040279 0t0 TCP 
localhost:4000->localhost:44456 (ESTABLISHED)

Then, by happenstance, I compared the entries in my and 
dspace-ui.json and noticed that I had in dspace-ui.json:

"DSPACE_REST_PORT":  "4000",

while it should be 8080.  Changed it to 8080 and now starting and stopping 
dspace-ui.json goes well, no new errors in pm2 logs and the UI works well.

On Saturday, September 3, 2022 at 3:20:29 p.m. UTC-3 Night Librarian wrote:

> Thank you, Tim.
> I am accessing the server on localhost, which is on my development virtual 
> machine.  I added the following to dspace-ui.json:
>         "DSPACE_REST_SSL": "false",
>         "DSPACE_REST_HOST": "localhost",
>         "DSPACE_REST_PORT": "4000",
>         "DSPACE_REST_NAMESPACE": "/server"
> and the UI is now showing in the browser just fine:
> sudo pm2 start dspace-ui.json 
> [PM2][WARN] Applications dspace-ui not running, starting...
> [PM2] App [dspace-ui] launched (1 instances)
> ┌────┬────────────────────┬──────────┬──────┬───────────┬──────────┬──────────┐
> │ id │ name               │ mode     │ ↺    │ status    │ cpu      │ 
> memory   │
> ├────┼────────────────────┼──────────┼──────┼───────────┼──────────┼──────────┤
> │ 0  │ dspace-ui          │ fork     │ 0    │ online    │ 0%       │ 
> 23.9mb   │
> On Friday, September 2, 2022 at 11:14:37 a.m. UTC-3 Tim Donohue wrote:
>> The backend does need to use SSL (HTTPS) if you plan on accessing it from 
>> a different machine.  However, it is possible to run both the frontend & 
>> backend on HTTP, provided that you only use localhost URLs & you only 
>> access the site from the same machine where it is running (as this is a 
>> normal development setup).
>> It's unclear from the errors you shared whether you are attempting to 
>> access the site from the same machine it's running on, or not.
>> The basic issue though seems to imply that the UI is not running at all 
>> (if you don't even see a loading screen or a blank screen or anything, that 
>> means the UI is not running at all).  This would likely imply that 
>> something is incorrect in your PM2 setup or the UI configuration 
>> (config.*.yml).  
>> You could try running the UI temporarily via "yarn start" just to see if 
>> it starts up properly that way.  If it does, then your PM2 configuration 
>> may require updates.  If it does not, then it's more likely your 
>> config.*.yml needs fixes (and you may see some more descriptive error 
>> messages)
>> Tim
>> On Friday, September 2, 2022 at 3:14:07 AM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> Your backend must use ssl... (https*)
>>> On Thu, 1 Sept 2022, 09:06 Night Librarian, <> wrote:
>>>> Greetings!
>>>> I installed DSpace 7.2 on Ubuntu 20.04 and migrated the database and 
>>>> the assetstore. Backend installed fine, HAL browser shows the contents 
>>>> correctly, SOLR is running. 
>>>> Followed the Frontend installation instructions. Now, "pm start 
>>>> dspace-ui.json" output shows that dspace-ui is online.   
>>>> http://localhost:8080/server/api has 3 tabs, the first one, JSON, 
>>>> shows dspaceUI as "http://localhost:4000";, and dspaceServer as "
>>>> http://localhost:8080/server";. 
>>>> lsof -i:4000 shows:
>>>> COMMAND node\x20
>>>> PID                16129
>>>> USER             dspace
>>>> FD                  20u
>>>> TYPE              IPv4
>>>> DEVICE          188128
>>>> SIZE/OFF       0t0
>>>> NODE             TCP
>>>> NAME            localhost:4000 (LISTEN)
>>>> However, when I try to go to http://localhost:4000, the browser says 
>>>> "Unable to connect".
>>>> I followed the instructions at 
>>>> and reproduced the problem in Chrome and Firefox with similar results.
>>>> In Chrome, Console shows:
>>>> VM487:6792 crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated.
>>>> (anonymous) @ VM487:6792
>>>> Network -> Headers shows:
>>>> Request URL:
>>>> http://localhost:4000/
>>>> Referrer Policy:strict-origin-when-cross-origin
>>>> Request Headers
>>>> Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
>>>> Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br
>>>> Accept-Language:en-US,en;q=0.9
>>>> Cache-Control:max-age=0
>>>> Connection:keep-alive
>>>> Host:localhost:4000
>>>> sec-ch-ua:"Google Chrome";v="105", "Not)A;Brand";v="8", 
>>>> "Chromium";v="105"
>>>> sec-ch-ua-mobile:?0
>>>> sec-ch-ua-platform:"Linux"
>>>> Sec-Fetch-Dest:document
>>>> Sec-Fetch-Mode:navigate
>>>> Sec-Fetch-Site:none
>>>> Sec-Fetch-User:?1
>>>> Upgrade-Insecure-Requests:1
>>>> User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, 
>>>> like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
>>>> while Network -> Response only says:
>>>> Failed to load response data: No  resource with given identifier found
>>>> What am I missing?
>>>> -- 
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