While awaiting an answer to your question, may I propose a tangential 
question of my own:  what do you think sharding is doing for you, and have 
you seen evidence to support this?  Because DSpace uses Solr's sharding 
support in a very eccentric manner, and I have my doubts that it actually 
buys us anything.  That is why I accepted the need to remove it in 7.0, in 
exchange for the option to place Solr on a separate host if desired (since 
supported Solr versions must now be installed separately anyway).  The 
custom sharding code in DSpace doesn't get enough information to work 
across hosts.  If sharding is really needed, Solr can do it much better on 
its own, and we could scrap *all* of the sharding support in DSpace.

On Monday, November 6, 2023 at 12:35:55 PM UTC-5 keith.gi...@gmail.com 

Hello DSpace fans,

Is sharding of the statistics cores with a separate core for each 
individual year of statistics supported again in the most recent version of 

The installation documentation mentions that sharding is no longer 
supported in DSpace 7, but we noticed some recent commits to the DSpace 
project that reference sharding and wondered if it is available again.

In past  versions of DSpace during solr index updates or maintenance we've 
sometimes struggled with slow updates or running out of memory. We have 
about 12 years of sharded statistics cores in DSpace 6 and are working on a 
strategy for importing them into DSpace 7, perhaps doing most of the 
exporting and importing on a separate server with solr before our upgrade 
day. I am curious about whether we should import all statistics into the 
same core for DSpace 7, as expected, or if we should keep them separated if 
it turns out that sharding is supported again.

Can someone please help to clarify which parts of sharding are now 
supported, and which still do not work, and provide observations or advice?

Thank you for the time,

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