Graham Triggs wrote:
> This is very good news for us, as we already have similar functionality
> hacked in to our 1.3.2 installation(s), and I was hoping that we could
> replace it with the configurable submission system in our 1.4.x upgrade.
> Although, can we please agree not abbreviate it to 'CSS', otherwise
> things are going to get very confusing around here! (Maybe it should be
> rebranded to the 'configurable submission process').


I agree with you completely!  I'm actually the creator of the 
"configurable submission system" (which I admit is the original name I 
gave it).  Somewhere along the line it started being abbreviated to CSS 
(not sure where it actually started, but it even confused me initially, 
as I tend to assume CSS=Cascading Style Sheets).

It probably would be good to rename it before it becomes a part of the 
DSpace system.  Either as you suggested:

Configurable Submission Process (CSP)
or something like
DSpace Configurable Submission (DCS)

For the time being, I tend to spell it out as Configurable Submission, 
since I agree the CSS abbreviation is rather confusing (and will become 
more confusing as Cascading Style Sheet talk will likely increase when 
Manakin is fully integrated into DSpace)

- Tim


Tim Donohue
Research Programmer, Illinois Digital Environment for
Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS)
135 Grainger Engineering Library
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

phone: (217) 333-4648
fax:   (217) 244-7764

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