Hi Jayan,
There is supposed to be a way to do this in some easy way. I tried lots of 
stuff and never got it to work. In the end I simply copied all the files and 
folders of the Dspace folder that gets created in the Webapps of Tomcat and 
moved them to the ROOT folder. Simple as that, but probably not the right way 
to do it.
best regards, Logi


From: Jayan Chirayath Kurian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16. júlí 2007 13:29
To: Arnkell Logi Pétursson
Subject: RE: [Dspace-tech] First name, family name order

hi!  Logi,
can you please let me know the configuration that you have made to Tomcat to 
enable dspace access at http://skemman.khi.is 
rather than http://skemman.khi.is/dspace. i configured to port 80 and removed 
the default 8080, but could not remove the dspace parameter for access. please 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Arnkell Logi Pétursson
Sent: Mon 7/16/2007 9:23 PM
To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Dspace-tech] First name, family name order

Hi all,
I've set up Dspace 1.4.1 for our university and all went well. We run it using 
Win2003, Postgresql and Tomcat6. You can see it here: http://skemman.khi.is 
I've done some modifications to the code and for instance implemented a locking 
mechanism so that during submission, users can decide that parts or all of 
their work will become open to the public at a certain time (say June 2010). I  
also completely rewrote the LDAP connector to work with our strange AD setup. 
One thing is still not working. How do I change the way names are displayed in 
the system? I basically want to get rid of the comma inserted between the first 
name and family name. You can see it here: http://skemman.khi.is/browse-author 
. Here in Iceland we have patronyms (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patronymic) 
and names are always displayed in the order firsname familyname (patronym) with 
no comma in between. 
Does anybody know how I can fix this?
best regards, Logi








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