
Do not hesitate to ask questions. We love to go on and on about  
DSpace and will not find them a "bore".  As for your work and  
interacting with the DSpace community, I'd recommend dropping in on  
the DSpace IRC channel and introducing yourself there as well.


Mark Diggory

On Sep 20, 2007, at 1:11 PM, Daniele Ninfo wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm a student of computer science engineering from "Roma Tre"  
> university
> in Rome, my name is Daniele Ninfo. I will work on Dspace for my  
> thesis,
> Andrea Bollini from CILEA will be my mentor. My objective is the
> introduction of Hibernate and Spring Framework, as Andrea wrote in one
> of his past mails. I'm at the beginning, today I started studying some
> documentation about Dspace, I hope to start working soon. I hope I  
> will
> do a good job, and not to bore you all with my questions! I'm glad to
> get in touch with this community and to work for an important  
> project as
> Dspace.
> Best regards,
> Daniele

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