On Thu, Oct 11, 2007 at 03:47:56PM +0530, Satya Ranjan Sahu wrote:
> I tried following but unsuccessful:
> 1. Drop the database of 1.4.1
> 2. Creat new database
> 3. psql dspace < dspace.sql (1.3.2)
> But it is showing problem as follows:
> ERROR:  permission denied to set session authorization
> ERROR:  permission denied for schema public

Sounds like you're having permissions problems! Did you create the new
database with the correct user? Are you importing the old content as the
correct user? Are you following the upgrade instructions[1]?



[1] http://www.dspace.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=156#132_14
    Also included in [dspace-src]/docs/.

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