On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 01:01:38PM -0400, Mark H. Wood wrote:
> Trouble is, eperson.js is passing relative URIs to sendPageAndWait(),
> which evades my other-aspect code by only processing the URI through
> the current (EPerson) sub-sitemap.  Will Bad Things happen if I change
> these to absolute paths, to send them through the complete sitemap tree?

*sigh*  Bad Things do indeed happen.  Cocoon produces a stackdump
caused by a failure to merge some feeder document, and right now I
haven't time to learn how to figure out which one and why they are
incompatible.  I took the new code and made it a dirty hack to the
EPerson aspect, and will note on our internal bugtracker that this
should be revisited and done properly when time allows.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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means the exact opposite.

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