On Tue, 2008-07-08 at 12:43 -0400, Gary McGath wrote: 
> In order to prevent provenance metadata from being easily reached by 
> users, and to make embargoing watertight, I'd like to disable the 
> "metadata" URLs in Manakin. (I've disabled METS output in the OAI 
> provider for the same reason.) Since they're useful for debugging 
> purposes, it would be nice to have them available, so changing the path 
> component from "metadata" to something else seems like a useful 
> approach. To this end, I edited 
> (dspace-xmlui/dspace-xmlui-webapp/src/main/webapp/sitemap.xmap) and 
> changed the relevant map:match element.  When I restarted DSpace, 
> though, it hung. Changing it back let DSpace run normally.
> Is there something else that needs to be changed in order to disable or 
> modify the metadata URLs?

The problem with disabling the pipelines which handle those URLs is that
other parts of Manakin depend on them. The "theme" XSLTs which display
item metadata on item pages, for instance, dereference those URLs to
obtain the item data. :-)

What you should be attempting is to patch the pipelines which handle
those URLs, so that the sensitive information is filtered out. Take a
look at this pipeline fragment, for instance:

<map:match pattern="metadata/handle/*/*/**">
   <map:generate type="DSpaceMETSGenerator">
      <map:parameter name="handle" value="{1}/{2}"/>
      <map:parameter name="extra" value="{3}"/>
   <map:serialize type="xml"/>

If you insert a <map:transform src="exclude-sensitive-metadata.xsl"/>
element between the generator and the serializer, then you can have
complete control over what metadata Manakin exposes. e.g. removing any
dc.description.provenance fields which include an "@" character.

Conal Tuohy
New Zealand Electronic Text Centre

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