Hi Mikel,

I did not solved the problem complete, but I had some success:

1. My 'ant init_configs' does not copy all files in the main  directory 
of DSpace. I must copy the input-forms*.xml manually.

2. To get the right forms selected You have to mention them in the 
workflow configuration item-submission.xml .

Now my modified input form is used - but still only the English version :-(

Sorry for no further help - until now. Did You succeed in the meantime?



PS: In my case it's DSpace 1.5 and jspu too.


Mikel Nin schrieb:
> Hi Robert,
> I'm having the same problem with the Spanish version of input-forms.xml.
> Although I have a Spanish version of input-forms.xml (input-forms_eu.xml)
> and default.license (default_es.license), both of them still continue in
> English. Did you managed to make it run properly?
> Greetings
> Mikel

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