>  However we recently discovered that
> the restricted items are still viewable through a web browser by entering
> the URL of the pdf located in the bitstream directory. This is also evident
> when I visit other dspace sites on the web. This appears to be a security
> issue/bug  in DSpace as the items are not actually withdrawn but only
> partially hidden. Has anyone else encounter this issue and if so is there a
> fix or work around.

I believe this has been filed as a bug. I don't know of an easy
workaround off the top of my head, though going into the item and
removing anonymous READ privileges on the bitstream ought to do the
trick. (Maybe the withdraw code ought to do this by default?)

> We also discovered that when an item is withdrawn the browse function in
> dspace throws the following exception.

What version are you running? I thought that had been fixed round
about 1.4.1. (Plied with sufficient strong drink, I can be convinced
to tell the story of how that bug bit me...)


Digital Repository Librarian AIM: mindsatuw
University of Wisconsin
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(608) 262-5493

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