> Who in the community has experience with either or both of these
> models of journal deployment?  Is that experience written up anywhere?

We've been thinking about it, with an essentially identical use-case in mind.

The problem with one-comm/coll-per-[journal unit] is the overhead
involved in creating those communities and collections. This can't (I
don't think) be done via SWORD or other remote protocol, so it creates
a hassle for repository admins.

What I vaguely had a mind to do was ask my godly sysadmin to help me
build an Aspect that could make a chunked-up browse based on a
specific piece of metadata -- in this case, probably dc.ispartof or
dc.ispartofseries. This can only be kludgey, to be sure, but it would
allow all the articles to be placed in a single collection and viewed
in a journal-ish fashion without extra work.

(Only journal-*ish*, because I don't see any obvious way to order
items or place them in categories unless I number them for the sake of
the title browse, which is an <em>awful</em> thing to do... but still
better than nothing.)


Dorothea Salo                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Digital Repository Librarian      AIM: mindsatuw
University of Wisconsin
Rm 218, Memorial Library
(608) 262-5493

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