I've had some problems in the past with this too.  Here is how I backup
and restore (I don't use pgAdminIII to do it):

Backup:   pg_dumpall  > dspace.out 

Restore:  /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -d template1 -f dspace.out




From: Rod Harris [mailto:rod.har...@anu.edu.au] 
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 10:25 PM
To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Dspace-tech] upgrade help


Hi all 

    I'm still trying to move our dspace 1.4 instance to a separate
machine running 1.5. All the docs I've found only tell how to upgrade a
1.4 to 1.5 instance of dspace, not move everything to  a new machine
altogether and upgrade to 1.5 at the same time.

I have done a pg_dump --oids -U dspace -f dspace-backup.sql dspace
from the 1.4 machine

then scp the dspace-backup.sql file to the 1.5 machine.

Then on the 1.5 machine (which had a running vanilla dspace 1.5 install)

dropdb dspace
createdb -U dspace -E UNICODE dspace
psql -U dspace -d dspace < dspace-backup.sql

but that fell in a heap - there was something printed to the terminal
(that went by too fast to catch with ^c and I wasn't able to redirect
the output to a file either) then a lot of:
    invalid command \N

and occasionally
    syntax error near ...

and finally


Does what I've done actually look at all right or is it the wrong
approach altogether?

I also know of the 'database_schema_14-15.sql' but do I use it before I
try to load the 1.4 dump into the 1.5 database or after?

Cheers. Rod

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