On Mon, Feb 02, 2009 at 12:21:54PM +0000, Andrew Marlow wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Robin Taylor <robin.tay...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> > So my question is, are there any current/planned solutions that integrate
> > the compiling of stats into the heart of the Dspace code ?
> I hope not. Or if there is I hope that using logfiles will still be
> supported. IMO the builtin reports will never be enough for the needs of
> some people. It's great to provide some reports out of the box and I hope
> that over time this will include COUNTER-compliant reports. But my DSpace
> definitely has needs noone else knows about.

I just committed a small patch to 1_5_x which passes log-type
information to a configurable class whenever a bitstream, item,
collection, or community is viewed.  It doesn't do statistics itself,
but is meant as a standard place to hook statistical (or other) code
into DSpace for taking notice of view events without having to patch
the stock code.  Would that serve?

I think that the needs of different sites are too diverse for a single
one-size-fits-all stat. subsystem, at least for now and possibly
forever, but I hope that a stream of generic usage events will make it
possible to try different addons with little effort, ease the
maintenance of stat. packages, and assist the integration of new ones.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
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