I am in the process of installing DSpace 1.5.1.  Yesterday I configured
our site to use the "fetch from cache" option for counting
collection/community strengths and it updated both the Community and
Collection counts and displayed them just fine on the home page,
Community, and Collection pages.  So no, you shouldn't have to do
anything special to have your Community strengths updated.


Here is what I did to get it to work.  

1.  Configured our dspace.cfg as follows:


##### Settings for content count/strength information ####


# whether to display collection and community strengths

# (This configuration is not used by XMLUI.  To show strengths in the 

#  XMLUI, you just need to create a theme which displays them)

webui.strengths.show = true


# if showing the strengths, should they be counted in real time or

# fetched from cache?


# Counts fetched in real time will perform an actual count of the

# database contents every time a page with this feature is requested,

# which will not scale.  If the below setting is to use the cache, you

# must run the following command periodically to update the count:


# [dspace]/bin/dsrun org.dspace.browse.ItemCounter


# The default is to count in real time


webui.strengths.cache = true



Then I created a script to run "ItemCounter, as specified in the 1.5.1
Documentation as follows:






# item-counter - cron job for Updating the Community and Collection



# Get the DSPACE/bin directory

BINDIR=`dirname $0`


echo "Beginning cron item-counter @ " &date

echo "Updating Community and Collection Item counters"


$BINDIR/dsrun org.dspace.browse.ItemCounter


# Check to see if the program completed successfully

if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then

   echo "item-counter cron failed @" &date

   exit 1



echo "Cron item-counter completed successfully @" &date

exit 0


We will set this up as a nightly cron to run, once we do our production


Hope this helps!




From: felipe Melero [mailto:fmel...@unav.es] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 3:40 AM
To: dspace tech
Subject: [Dspace-tech] Item display in communities


Hi Dspace developers and users,

I'd like to know if the issue "item display applied to collections"
could be applied somehow to communities. In my case, inside one
community I have a lot of collections so in dspace.cfg I should put all
the handles of these collections

I have tried with the handle of the community but it doesn't work. Any

Thanks in advance,

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