
I began again.

I eliminated the database and the user in postgres.

I have created the database and the user with the following instructions:

# su --login postgres -c 'createuser -U postgres -S -R -c 35 -d dspace'
# su --login dspace -c 'createdb -U dspace -E UTF8 -T template0 dspace

dspace=> SELECT * FROM pg_user;
 usename  | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd |  passwd  | valuntil | useconfig
 postgres |       10 | t           | t        | t         | ******** |          |
 dspace   |    16389 | t           | f        | f         | ******** |          |
(2 filas)

dspace=> SELECT * FROM pg_database;
  datname  | datdba | encoding | datistemplate | datallowconn | datconnlimit | datlastsysoid | datvacuumxid | datfrozenxid | dattablespace | datconfig |         datacl        
 postgres  |     10 |        8 | f             | t            |           -1 |         10792 |          499 |          499 |          1663 |           |
 dspace    |  16389 |        6 | f             | t            |           -1 |         10792 |          651 |          651 |          1663 |           |
 template1 |     10 |        8 | t             | t            |           -1 |         10792 |          499 |          499 |          1663 |           | {postgres=CT/postgres}
 template0 |     10 |        8 | t             | f            |           -1 |         10792 |          499 |          499 |          1663 |           | {postgres=CT/postgres}
(4 filas)

In the file dspace.cfg have the following thing:

# the servlet engine.
dspace.url = ""

# DSpace host name - should match base URL.  Do not include port number
dspace.hostname = tesis.udea.edu.co

# Name of the site
dspace.name = UdeA

##### Database settings #####

# Database name ("oracle", or "postgres")
#db.name = ${default.db.name}
db.name = postgres
#db.name = oracle

# URL for connecting to database
#db.url = ""
db.url = ""

# JDBC Driver
#db.driver = ${default.db.driver}
db.driver = org.postgresql.Driver

# Database username and password
db.username = dspace
db.password = dspace

The error when I execute ant fresh_install is:

     [java] 2009-04-02 09:06:28,764 INFO  org.dspace.storage.rdbms.InitializeDatabase @ Initializing Database
     [java] 2009-04-02 09:06:28,811 FATAL org.dspace.storage.rdbms.InitializeDatabase @ Caught exception:
     [java] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: la autentificación Ident falló para el usuario ?dspace ?

I am grateful for your nice collaboration. Really I am not experienced at postgres
         Serbe León Rojas Yepes
         Sistema de Bibliotecas
           Universidad de Antioquia
             Medellin - Colombia
       Somos el Alma de la Universidad
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