Thank you, Stuart!

Stuart Lewis wrote:
Hi George,

I just made the change from DSpace 1.4.2 to DSpace 1.5.2 and I
discovered something that I forgot to check when I was testing.  I have
a number of scripts that I have written to pull data from the database
and create reports for users at our site.

In running one of the daily reports that I have (which displays the most
recent submissions), I found that the table "itemsbydateaccessioned" is
gone (and, of course, I used this in almost all my reports!).

Can anyone tell me where that data previously displayed in this table
now resides?  Also, is there a  chart or listing of all of the database
table changes?  I didn't see it in the 1.5.2 documentation, but I might
have missed it.  Thanks!

Look in the table bi_item (bi = browse index).

To work out what the column names relate to (e.g. sort_1, sort_2 etc), look
in dspace.cfg for the lines:

webui.itemlist.sort-option.1 = title:dc.title:title
webui.itemlist.sort-option.2 =
webui.itemlist.sort-option.3 =

Hope that helps,

Stuart Lewis
IT Innovations Analyst and Developer
Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Ph: 64 9 373-7599 x81928

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George Kozak
Digital Library Specialist
Division of Library Information Technologies (DLIT), Digital Media Group
501 Olin Library
Cornell University

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