Hello all,
 I have problem, i'm using dspace 1.5.2, jspui, about our organization  1500
people, So I think  using Active Directory, My configuration file :

#### Stackable Authentication Methods #####

# Stack of authentication methods
# (See org.dspace.authenticate.AuthenticationManager)
# Example:
# plugin.sequence.org.dspace.authenticate.AuthenticationMethod = \
# org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication, \
# org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication

# Next two lines added by Clive Gould on 22/04/09 to allow AD Authentication

plugin.sequence.org.dspace.authenticate.AuthenticationMethod = \

#### LDAP Authentication Configuration Settings ####

ldap.enable = true
ldap.provider_url = ldap://brom.com:389/
ldap.id_field = cn
ldap.object_context = dc=brom, dc=com
ldap.search_context = dc=brom,dc=com
ldap.email_field = mail
ldap.surname_field = sn
ldap.givenname_field = givenName
webui.ldap.autoregister = true
ldap.login.specialgroup = Authenticated
ldap.search_scope = 2
ldap.search.user = bindu...@brom.com
ldap.search.password = *********

2009-11-26 20:35:24,630 INFO
org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPHierarchicalAuthentication @
trivial auth of user=xxxxxx...@xx.xx.xx.xx
2009-11-26 20:35:24,675 INFO
org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPHierarchicalAuthentication @
DN found for user xxxxx...@xx.xx.xx.xx
2009-11-26 20:35:24,675 INFO  org.dspace.app.webui.servlet.LDAPServlet @
failed_login:netid=xxxxxx...@xx.xx.xx.xx, result=2

What can I do? Help me.

Regards, Zoloo
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