

We're having some problems trying to find the cause of a weird error in
a Dspace 1.5.2 instance. We modified it a lot, but it has been under
development for months with no problems, until we started to see "Time
out waiting for idle object" and other errors. There wasn't any major
code change when it started to occur, but we tried to disable the aspect
that was modified that day and the errors still happened. While looking
for the cause, I tried changing the number of connections and the
maximum number of idle connections, but I didn't touch the
preparedstatements. After a few days looking for a solution, I decided
to try changing it, it wasn't working fine anyway. And when I set it to
false, the error disappeared.


Today I noticed that our JDBC driver didn't match our Postgres version
(we use 8.3), so I updated it and tried setting the PS on again, but the
error quickly appeared once again (DSpace becomes unusable after a few


Apparently, prepared statements are meant to improve performance and
aren't really necessary, but I don't think they should cause any
problems too, so I'm just wondering what could be the issue here.


We upgraded Postgres and a few other softwares when we were preparing to
migrate and looking for solutions for this problem, but IIRC Postgres
(it's still 8.3) wasn't one of them.


Even if our DSpace seems to be running fine without prepared statements,
I just wanted to know if anyone had similar issues and what might be the
possible cause.



Rafael Henkin

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