Al 17/05/10 17:49, En/na bryce ray ha escrit:
> I'm attempting to withdraw an item from my current dspace installation.
> I read that there is a withdraw button on the item page.  However, an
> authentication issue is preventing dspace from displaying this button to
> me.  I have logged in as an administrator and remain authenticated for
> all pages in dspace except the page which displays the abstract, title,
> etc for an item.  When I go to this page it acts as if I'm not
> authenticated as an admin.  Due to this, the withdraw button is not
> displayed.  However, when I go from the un-authenticated state of this
> page back to any other page in dspace I am once again authenticated.
> What could cause authentication to break down on just this one page?
> Please let me know what information would be helpful to diagnose this
> problem.
> Thanks.


I think I'm having the same problem as you. Sometimes some items doesn't 
show the edit button (nor export, ...).

After doing some testing I've found the following:

- When it happens (sometimes) the buttons appear after reloading the 
page or going to the full item view and back to the simple one.

- When I'm not authenticated, in the items from one community the 
buttons appear and I'm asked for login and password if I click them, but 
there are no buttons in other communities. Maybe it's not even related, 
but it's curious.

- I still haven't been able to reproduce it with Konqueror. But maybe 
it's only a coincidence as sometimes it's a bit hard to reproduce.

Which versions are you using? I'm using Firefox 3.5.9 from a Fedora 11 
on the client side. The server is a CentOS 5.4 with DSpace 1.5.2.



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